This is the fist of a kind multidisciplinary football summer camp. Kids are provided with a variety of experiences related to football — from training technical skills and team tactics to learning about sports journalism and rehabilitation.

The target audience is kids 10-16 y.o.

#tagsport football camp is a role play — kids chose their own programme and what they want to learn:
  • PLAY
    Training, tactics classes, matches — we provide everything that should be there to ensure comprehensive football experience for kids.
    What skills and qualities are necessary to be a coach? How to organise training? How to motivate the team? The coaching programme is for those kids who want to take responsibility for the whole team.
    With the development of social media, sports reporting and content-productions gains an increasingly important role. We will teach kids who to write about football, and to produce photo- and video content.
    Imagine you have your own small football club. How do you manage it? How do you attract fans? How do you do marketing and finances? How do you scout? In our sports management program kids get to manage their own football club.
    Preventing injuries and proper rehabilitation. Basics of physiology and sports nutrition. Kids in this programme will assist their peers in enhancing their sports performance by ensuring a healthy training and rehabilition regime.
    What should a referee know and how to avoid mistakes? What to do if players disagree with your decision? What if you think that your decision was wrong? Kids will try on the role a football referee and get chance to judge real matches.
Partnership Offer
We invite partner football clubs to join us in organising the summer camp. Here are some of the partnership options:
  • Infrastructure
    We are open to organising the programme both on the club's infrastructure and elsewhere.
  • Staff
    The first-hand experience from the club brings great value to the programme. We invite you coaches, footballers, medics, managers, and other staff to participate in all modules of the programme, whether it is held on your infrastructure or elsewhere.
  • Matchday and cultural experiences
    Visiting a football match and taking a tour of the local sights and the club's facilities would be a nice addition to the educational and training components of the programme.

safe football training for kids, both useful and fun

coaches selected through careful screening, and trained at our in-house coaching facility

mixed boy and girl groups, as per UEFA rules

over 400 kids aged 2 to 14
Founded in 2016, #tagsport Football Academy is the only school in Moscow where professional coaches will work with any kids irrespective of their ability, skills, their physical or psychological peculiarities. We believe that football training should be available to all, while achievements and rewards are individual.

We currently have over 400 kids aged 2 to 14 in training and 26 coaches. In addition to the amateur groups, we have two advanced training groups for the ages 7-9 and 10-12. They go to live-in training camp, they play tournaments, and they win.

Moreover, #tagsport is the only school in Russia that provides football training to kids with special physical or psychological needs. We try, as much as we can, to include children with special needs in the general groups.

We're making a football camp so that kids learn all things about football and fall in love with it just as we have.